A statement of cash flows is required whenever a business or not-for-profit (NFP) entity provides a set of financial statements that reports both financial position and results of operations. A statement of cash flows should be provided for each period for which the results of operations are reported. A frequent reporting deficiency noted in peer reviews is omitting a cash flow statement for each period covered by the statements of operations; this deficiency is especially common in the case of nonpublic company comparative interim financial statements where monthly and year-to-date results are reported together. SEC regulations, while still requiring a statement of cash flows, permit an abbreviated level of detail reporting.
AICPA Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) permit compiled statements that omit substantially all disclosures or the statement of cash flows if the omission is disclosed in the accountant’s report. A common finding in peer reviews is the failure to include the required report disclosure language when the cash flow statement has been omitted. Another reporting deficiency involves erroneously including the disclosure language in compilation reports for income tax basis financial statements that are presented without a cash flow statement. This is clearly incorrect, because a statement of cash flows is not required in tax-basis financial statements.

Source: CPA Journal